The Nerve

Oh great. More bad-attitude punks who walk the line between self-importance and crass humour. Let’s hope they learn to maximize their irreverence and publish more along the lines of the Probes’ dissful review of the New Music West music conference and Sally Pepper’s rad-fem account of a boy-dominated skateboard fest. More naked people would be appreciated and less gonzo-inspired golfing-on-acid diaries would improve things. Reviews are only as good as the writer’s writing, not the record/movie/concert being reviewed (though porno reviews can sometimes carry themselves solely on plot summaries). If the entire magazine was all about Jeff Oliver’s roadtrip to Las Vegas and nothing about D. Cat’s silly B&D fantasies, then the world would be a better place. (TD)

magazine, July/August 2000, free, 28 pages, Bradley C. Damsgaard, ed. Box 88042, China Town PO, Vancouver BC V6A 4A4,


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