The Rag #3

zine review:

The Rag #3

The Rag is a fantastic anarcha-feminist zine from Dublin–something I’m sure I never would have seen if I didn’t write these reviews, but I’m glad I did. A lot of the articles are Dublin-or Ireland-specific, but totally fascinating even without immediate context–all the contributors do a really great job of providing history and definitions (es­pecially hilary’s article about women’s roles in Ireland’s anti-drug movement). There are some articles about general anarchist/feminist basics too (language and gender, capitalism, etc.) and while these subjects are a little more Anarch­ist 101-ish, they are well-written and coherent explanations of concepts for which it is often hard to find coherent explanations. Everything about The Rag is smart, from the articles to the well-organized layout, and I’d recommend it to anyone who likes good writing by intelligent women. (Emma Healey)

zine, PO Box 10785, Dublin 1 $8,, [email protected]