The Sober Witness

The opposite end of the spectrum from Cakes Times, living on the same system at the University of Toronto. Oh, the irony. This zine is billed as a “hype-free guide to the Web”, and that’s a pretty accurate description. Useful information abounds. Pointers to sites you might actually go to more than once. Tricks and hints for polishing up your own pages. AOL sarcasm. Tips for messing with Hotwired. A nice clean layout with no gratuitous 100k image maps. The editor even held a contest and gave away a .tiff T-shirt as a prize, thereby demonstrating his eminent good taste. He wrote in his last editorial that he wants to expand the zine into a full blown lifestyle/music thing. Personally, I hope he doesn’t. He’s providing a much more valuable service to the We b community doing what he’s doing now. Bulk it up, we need more of the same. Long live The Sober Witness.

e-zine no publisher necessary main creator: Jason Moore free

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