The Street Post

The Street Post gives it to you straight-up. It’s a zine produced for and by homeless people and there’s some pretty great stories and articles among it’s two dozen contributors. This zine gives a three-dimensional portrait of the homeless, showing them as articulate people with ideas, dreams and camaraderie. All in all, and arresting take on the state of their situation. Check this out as an opening editorial, “Being homeless is being in control. It’s my turf, my space; thou shalt not trespass.” Other articles bring us timely perspectives on squeegee-people, the activist group Ontario Coalition Against Poverty and a photo essay on the Active Resistance demo held last summer in Toronto. (RT)

newsletter, Fall 1998 Vol.2- No. 4, free, The Meeting Place, 588 Queen Street W, Toronto, ONT M6J 1E3


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