line distro listings, issue 3/1999, $ 3 US, Shonnon Colebank, PO Box 5591, Portland, OR, 97228, USA
Shannon adequately describes her excellent resource of a zine as: “self-descriptions of 200+ distrosfromaroundtheworld.”There’sevenoneinArgentina(Sniff!Distro)and Bulgaria (Free Mind). She gives current contact info, requirements and also lists zine libraries, archives and stores. Most importatly, she lets you know which ones have been up-to-date in responding to her mail inquiries (i.e. who’s really on the ball.) Oh, she does not accept foreign currency. (EPW)
The Whizzbanger’s Guide to Zine Distributors includes self descriptions of 48 distributors from 14 countries as well as listings of zine libraries, zine stores, zine-friendly web sites, a list of dependable reviewers, and many other valuable zine resources. Now spiral bound and a 2004 edition.