Womyn really know how to get sexy shots and prose about women right. This all-too-slim volume features Sylphide in pictorial and in prose, as well as a sassy question and answer session. The text of the zine is good, Madame Lady Killer’s poetry merges smoothly with Mistress Jettina’s photos, and the stand-alone piece “The Art of Me (You)” is a forceful power struggle. But what really gets to me in this zine are the photographs of Sylphide. She is haunting, but I just don’t know if she would have come out as seductive and strong without Mistress Jettina’s master talents. A guilty pleasure for horny frat boys and a must have for dykes everywhere. (JP)
zine, #1, Madame Lady Killer & Mistress Jettina, $4, Toronto ON [email protected]