You are about to enter another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound but of time. A comic whose boundaries are that only of the clock. dededededededede. Wow. A great zine deserves a great theme beginning. But now it’s time to forget the Twilight Zone. Bring on the Tick Tock Zone. This thick tome documents the very strange Buckaroo Bonzai meets X-men meets X-Files meets Doctor Who world of Canada’s own timeless extra-dimensional freakoid Tick Tock Tom. Tom is a mercurial creature. He blows people up. He kills Worf. Sometimes he seems friendly but other times he just flips out. There are comics where Tom doesn’t show up, but you feel him lurking in the distance, his menacing clock forehead just waiting to be drawn. Of course Tom isn’t nearly as frightening as his adversaries. For instance, the slobbering monster who says: “Yes Tom I might just revive that beauty you have laying there, and use her as my personal bather in charge of fellatio!” Let’s just be glad that Tom’s extra-parallel-super-battle against (or for) time is only a cartoon. Gotta go. It’s getting late.
comic / #11 / no publisher / main creator: Peter Macchione et al. / $3 / 1442 Lawrence Ave. West #215, Toronto, Ontario, M6L 1B5