An interesting Anarchist mag, in that the writing is of very high quality. Though all the opinions are predictable, there is some amazing info, for instance about YACIN, a California high-school anarchist organization that is fighting against the installation of police substations in their school! A good series on Israel-Palestine is unfortunately marred by comments about the “Jewish-controlled” American media. Good stuff about Bush’s fast-track free-trade wishes, the death penalty, a response from the Colombian resistance to accusations of drug-trafficking, and an excellent diary of the street battles in Quebec City. There’s even an article by a black guy who argues that punk-rock activism is stuck in an non-inclusive comfort zone and is essentially racist because it reflects white, middle-class rebellion. However, he dismisses various punk-rock anarchist postures of anti-racism, without explaining what he really wants instead. I also wish people would chill with dissing straight white males; you can’t call someone a racist for being too disorganized to adequately fulfill their minority-outreach goals. The Quebec City article also gloried in the street-fighting, as if it were a revolution rather than the opposite: police squelching dissent. All in all, a good, thick, interesting read. (Flick Harrison)