I haaated this zine when I first read through it, precious as it is. But this is likely because I may have had several more years than the members of the Lazine Collective to get used to possessing both crippling debt and a degree no one takes seriously. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that studying liberal arts is a recipe for unpaid internships and cleaning offices after graduation, but it doesn’t make the reality any less shitty. And it is shitty, but it won’t always be.
The contributors have nonetheless assembled 16 pages of scratchy stick figure comics, line drawings, a listicle (a list-article), an unfinished essay and an imagined post-mortem report, all centred around that special kind of ennui brought on by the privilege of over- educated youth searching for meaning and self. You guys, it’s early to have such a varied and extensive catalogue of humiliation and disappointment. You’re probably going to continue making difficult choices and enduring setbacks for decades, don’t forget to save some room for the twee regrets of your golden years. (Mary Green)
Zine, Lazine a Zine Collective, laz1ine. tumblr.com, [email protected]