Ultra-Violet: The Sun Is Not Your Enemy
This little mag is so hip, so fresh, that I don’t want to believe it spawns from that awful post-secondary institution in Kingston, Ontario. Aaagh! Queen’s U. written all over it! Armed with a quote by Adèle Wiseman, an over-zealous designer, and a smashed-up 1984 Pinto, editor Andréa Feddersen has pulled together a magnificent issue of Ultra-Violet. Some of the highlights are “To Matthew, On His Eighth Month Birthday” by Rob McGill, “Dried Tangerine Skin” by May Chan, and “Commitment” by Sarah Muir. All in all, the writers deliver a broad range of interests and view points. To turn my attention to the accompanying cd (which I really did listen to) the best 7 tracks were selected from over 250 submissions. Imagine, a song that rhymes “so i had some tequila” with “as i thought about sheila”, repeatedly, from a band called Reno’s Hitmen. I appreciated Matthew Barber’s confessional “My Secret Identity Crisis” and the funky “Big Shiny Green” by Travel Agent. (EPW)