Let’s round out the online comics extravaganza with something a little more worthy, shall we? User Friendly has now been formally adopted by those who care about such things as the official standard by which all geek humour will be measured, flushing that corporate sell-out Dilbert out of cover and onto TV where we all knew he would end up. This is a geek comic so authentic it has been sanctioned as funny by Slashdot. If you don’t know what the hell that means, you’re probably not going to get many of the inside jokes. If you do know what that means, you’ve probably got it bookmarked already. Almost unbelievably, this British Columbian strip has just been picked up by the National Post, a paper whose comics section has, up until now, sucked very hard. If you can’t bring yourself to buy the Daily Tubby just for this strip, now you know where to go. (DW)