XYZed is truly a warhorse. And least ye forget, a virtual fount of strange, but well-researched pop culture zaniness. Who else waxes nostalgic – and then digs up the skinny too – on Battlestar Galactica? Really, send for this one for that piece alone. Just hearing the words makes you feel like a 70s poser-wannabe right, especially since you’ve never heard of it before? Ya, well you think that’s bad, the Bay City Rollers come-back trail starts here. The who? you might ask. Yep, that’s right you retro-know-nothing, the Bay City Rollers – don’t even think of wearing bell bottoms or plaid if you don’t first git a copy and find out what these lads called the second coming of the Beatles. I doubt I have to plug the Star Wars holiday special piece, do I? (HC)