I don’t really get Zeitgeist. Maybe that’s the point, but I found the jokes in these strips, to be either completely transparent, or totally opaque. Or is it that, being so transparent, they just feel obscure, because I’m looking for more? I don’t know. Either way, these mildly malevolent strips–of cute chatting birds, mice and cats–leave you with a surreal feeling that someone has put one over on you. That feeling is compounded by the interspersion of bizarre cut’n’paste advertisements (“Learn to Grandfather,” promises one. “Only 3.95.”), and by lots of cheesy wallpaper and wood-paneling backgrounds. It’s a bit like Saturday morning cartoons at Salvador Dali’s house. (Shaun Smith)
comix, $?, issue #5, Liane Morrissette, 2323 Agricola St. Halifax NS, B3K 4B5, [email protected]