Vita Nova

artist’s book, 154 pgs, $35,Timothy Comeau, 51 Addley Crescent, Ajax, ON, LIT 1V3

Comeau has really raised the bar here. To raise it any higher, you’d need a CANADARM. Vita Nova is a perfect synthesis of prose and graphics, wrapped up in a beautiful hard cover, handmade bookwork. Call it a love story. Actually, maybe it’s a road trip story. It is about the author’s journey into self-awareness, expressed through a love of the small, observed, telling detail. Love story within a road trip, you could say. The book begins with a description of a woman’s t-shirt, emblazoned with the name Leonardo da Vinci, a souvenir from some potboiler art exhibition. Comeau goes on to articulate all the freeassociations that the sight of this shirt leads him to. Abrupt topic shifts allow the author to cover a lot of acreage on his psychological roadmap. When you order your copy, you’ll be asked to choose from a selection of images to adorn the hardcover. I picked a photo of Halifax’s Citadel Hill overlooking the city. Fitting for a book that gives the reader a privileged view into very intimate musings. At $35, Vita Nova is a bit beyond the average zine, but think of it as gas money for a road trip you’re hitching


This Nobel prize winner has an iconic name ~
Synonymous with genius, that’s his claim to fame ~
Time, space, matter, it’s all relativity ~
Type his moniker in the search bar to finish this activity ~

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