Issue 14

The Long Arc

I have to admit a bias in favour of this publication. It is one I read regularly to see if […]

She’s Got Labe

This starts with a surprisingly light comic about an abortion, the segues into a review of the Mini Vibe – […]

Ezra: in dresses

A kind of poetic diary, this is a well-written zine that takes on the intertwining subjects of physicality and memory, […]

As Usual, Lily Thought

A longish short story by Patricia Chong, subtitled “The Solitary Clamour of Scarlet.” The story is interesting, if in need […]

Red & Black Notes

Now into its fourth year of publication, Red & Black Notes is a slim and effective communist and anarchist newsletter. […]


Underground magazine is a livestock farmer and genetics researchers’ worst nightmare. But if you say “fuck them!” and are seeking […]


Finally, a goth zine that’s entertaining to read! Mike Tymochko, illustrator and creator, puts together a weighty, art-filled zine dedicated […]


This first issue covers the political scene from a Marxist/Feminist perspective. Because it’s the first issue, definitions and people are […]

Shy Girl Volume II: Bolt!

Hmm… more gothic musings. It would be okay, you know, to do your goth-zine thing, but what’s the deal with […]

Rampike: Epistemological Bodies

History, culture, art and post-modernism all get some serious time in Rampike, a periodical dedicated to the chaotic maelstrom of […]


Magazines like Pound just don’t come along very often. Intelligent, witty, relevant and good-looking, Pound is a labor of love […]

Nitty Gritty

Thirteenth Tiger Press is a new poetry chapbook publishing outfit headed by Rowan-Legg. This collection is by the editor herself, […]