Now into its fourth year of publication, Red & Black Notes is a slim and effective communist and anarchist newsletter. There’s no graphics or high-energy layout, and in fact it all looks pretty bland. The beauty lays in the handling of the subject matter. Too often these sorts of radical political tracts are drafted by the hands of enthusiastic neophyte ideologues (entertaining, naive and often ignorant) or academics (methodically researched but dry, boring and difficult to read). Red & Black Notes shines because it’s written and edited seriously, enthusiastically, clearly and concisely — a big favour for anybody who’s not already one of the converted. Topics this issue include an endorsement of the “Call for a Revolutionary Anti-Capitalist Bloc” and “Five Theses on Anarchism and Communism.” All in all, a big “fuck you” to David Frum and co. and some diverse opinion about complicated material. (DF)