
I had all but forgotten to be worried about nuclear energy, but those of us who came of age in the seventies and eighties can still easily dredge up memories of nuclear fear. When I was a kid, my two biggest nightmares were cavities and radioactive fallout. Now, I’m a grown-up and have different fears, like gingivitis and smog. I’m guessing Maggie is young. She dedicates a lot of this thick zine to information on nuclear waste and meltdown (and includes a bibliography). There is also a politically aware interview with the band Propagandhi and poetry and comics and drawings. As an insert, Maggie supplies a short story version of her play, “Mission of Tekne.” This day in the life of our distopic future raises some familiar bugaboos: pollution, the police state, religion and environmental abuse. It’s not a happy read but it’s a solid one. (TD)

zine, #4 (February 1998), 96 pages / main creator: Maggie MacDonald / $3 ppd / 320 York Street, Cornwall, ON, K6J 3Z3

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