This issue, MPD is “Many Patient Digits.” (It changes its name every issue, much like punk band MDC (Millions of Dead Cops, Multi-Death Corporation…), to whom this zine bears no other resemblance.) My patient digits turned the pages without finding much to excite me from this collective of Ottawa writers. The girls were sensitive and lush with imagery, the boys were nervous and fraught with sex. And so it goes. They welcome submissions, so you could wipe the floor with them if you were so inclined. Beware, though: They like to wrap their words in bright yellow-paper photocopies of their hands.
zine / #5, Spring 1996, 20 pp / main creators: T. Taylor, Chris Stevenson, et al / $10 for the year / PO Box 53106, Ottawa, ON, K1N 1C5 email [email protected]