A rare and beautiful thing: a ‘zine auteur who is somewhat reluctant to spill the entirety of her guts. Jerianne waited until the fourth issue of her smart, critical, and diverse publication to partake of the confessional. But readers complained, apparently. “Something” was “missing.” And so this time, included alongside political screeds, charmingly banal personal observations, poems, and ‘zine reviews of her own, is a piece about a promising yet doomed long-distance romance. I say: confessional is overrated, Jerianne. Don’t force it if it doesn’t feel entirely comfortable, especially since everything else herein is plenty great. I also submit to you my own rejected band name: Jellybean Breakfast. Cute, yes? (MD)
“Sex with George” zine, #4: US$1, Jerianne, PO Box 13838, Berkeley CA 94712, [email protected]