Indie Events Spotlight: The Vancouver Art/Book Fair


HEY! Vancouverites. Something amazing is happening in your city this weekend. Turn off Breaking Bad (if you haven’t seen the finale yet, you’ll never see it) and stop eating chips and get on your bike/Segway/rickshaw and get your butt over to the Vancouver Art/Book Fair!!!

It’s happening Friday October 5 and Saturday October 6 at the Vancouver Art Gallery Annex. It’s the only international art book fair in Canada, and will feature participants from regions as far-flung as Portland, Oregon, Los Angeles, Manchester, UK and Bogota, Columbia. It’s being presented by Project Space (a bookshop, publisher and artspace located in Vancouver’s Chinatown). There is your basic info, friends. HERE IS MORE INFO:

You will enjoy readings/performances/talks by Amber Dawn (author of How Poetry Saved My Life: A Hustler’s Memoir) a talk from the Manchester, UK-based designers/zine publishers OWT Creative, a panel discussion hosted by Andrew Bernadini (The Art Book Review) and listen to an introduction to Colombian artist publishing by Juan Pablo Fajardos of la silueta ediciones , among others!

Plus you can visit many, many exhibiting publishers from all over the durn place (Victoria! Düsseldorf ! Toronto! Mexico City!) and look at pretty displays created by Asli Serbest and Mona Mahall of Berlin’s Junk Jet Magazine (a fanzine devoted to electronics, how cool is that?), as well as  library installations by Heidi Nagtegaal of The Hammock Residency.

The Vancouver Art/Book Fair is also presenting the Artist’s Books Weekend, a parallel event hosted by the people who run Vancouver’s artists centers, publishing houses, and art spaces, from Oct 3 -6.

That’s a lot of stuff. Don’t miss it because you’ll feel like a jerk. See the full lineup at the Vancouver Art/Book Fair website.

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