Found on the Internet – Chicken Soup Edition

Hey everyone!  How are you all doing?  I have a cold.  The weather stinks.  BUT I have a new list of wonderful things from the internet, so it all balances out I guess?  No more prelude, let’s get right to it!


I’ll start this one with a clear warning:  THIS GAME IS CRAZY-ADDICTIVE. Clicking on the link means losing a not-insignificant amount of time from your life.  Got it?  Good.

Anyway, Mini Metro is a game in development where the goal is to build subway train lines to most efficiently and quickly handle ever-increasing traffic between an ever-increasing number of metro stations.  Each week, you receive the ability to upgrade your trains or build new train lines.  As it stands, the game, I feel, is a bit unbalanced, and upgrades simply don’t come often enough.  But it’s still an incredibly effective (and enjoyable) time-vampire, so consider yourself warned!


Seinfeld was popularly known as “a show about nothing,” but was it really?

“Nothing” is a video collage of scenes from Seinfeld where there was truly nothing happening.  No dialogue, no people, just empty scenes in New York.  The result is actually very creepy and sort of dystopic.

Harlequin Creature

The series of journals Harlequin Creature is a collection of poetry and prose in its rawest form.  Copies are hand-typed on typewriters, the books are hand-bound, and a limited number of copies include featured art.  The journal is, according to the site, “very much in touch with a nostalgia for an earlier era, when the factories of Pittsburgh and Detroit were still bumpin’ and steel was in.”

Back issues are only available in nine stores in Berlin and the US, but the latest issue can be pre-ordered online via Paypal.


Over the years, Reddit has become one of the largest community websites on the internet.  One of its subreddits, r/IAmA, has become the de facto location for public Q&A sessions with anyone from the male cast of Full House to the President of the United States.  But the sessions are hard to follow in their forum-thread format, especially when the posts reach upwards of 20,000 comments.  Interviewly republishes these posts in a formal and infinitely-more readable news-interview format.  It’s a really nifty form of reading, and with pages separated by category, is highly recommended.

façades – (Series 1) (Series 2) (Series 3)

“façades” is a series of amazing photo manipulations by photographer and artist Zacharie Gaudrillot-Roy.  Roy takes photographs of various building locations, and edits to photographs so that the buildings are reduced to their front facades.  The result is a surreal and truly beautiful portrait of an impossible, dream-like world.

That’s all for today!  Now to wrap myself in blankets and hope it gets warmer sooner rather than later.

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