The BP Fall Bundle Sale is On Now

OVERSTOCK SALE!!! EVERYTHING MUST GO! WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! *ORDER NOW* Biggest Bundle Sale Ever is Here For Only $17.99  Limited […]

Call for Submissions: Urban Legends

Overview “Urban Legends” is a compilation zine about urban legends, local myths, and folklore. Share your writing or art that’s […]

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The Artist

An artist pulls out all her teeth one  night, puts them under her pillow,  dreams of the tooth fairy. When […]

Subject: Satanic Groove Suckers

The cluster-fuck known to jizzmarked  halftits as ‘modern society’ is at once an  everexpanding and postuti I iz i ng […]

The Suitcase

When people asked me who; my  parents were, I always said “Robert and  Mary Smith.” Some people would laugh  and […]

The Beach

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E C Press Release Brussels, Belgium

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Are We Really Depressed?

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Gypsy Times Halifax zinester, Chris Yorke, was convicted  in January 1997 and was sentenced to 300 hours of  community service […]

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Heil Allanis!

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