Rather than spending a dollar on this rant, give your money away to the first panhandler you see today. It will at least make a difference in someone’s life. Among the publications where one would get a better picture of practical anarchism from different traditions are: Anarchist Studies; Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed; Bayou La Rose; The Catholic Worker; The Communitarian Anarchist; Direct Action; Fifth Estate; Freedom; Green Anarchy; Kick It Over; The Match; Onward; The Raven; The Thought; Thought Bombs; and Total Liberty. I found arguments in favour of capital punishment, compulsory monogamy, relocation of urban populations, the use of the army to keep order, a book of rules for everyone to follow and so forth to be, at best, a distortion of many of the libertarian, mutualism, syndicalism or anarchist theories I’ve been exposed to over the years. At its worst, it contributes to the clear cutting of the Algoma Highlands for paper without any redeeming qualities. It is badly written, poorly argued and totally inadequately researched. (Brian Burch)
political rant, $1, Alfredo Forte, 3329 High Springs Crescent, Mississauga ON, L5B 4G8