If Dilbert and Emily the Strange ever had a one-night stand, they’d give birth to a pair of cumbersome, pensive twins named Geddy and Gould. This comic zine follows the two volunteer detectives (yes, volunteer) who literally look like a cross between the two fairly recognizable comic stars. And that’s because these drawings are simple and iconic. But what makes them different is that they’re made purely of pixels. This zine was done on a computer, no doubt. But maybe on Microsoft Paint, as the pages here are pleasantly awkward, boxy and one dimensional. Although De Decker writes on his blog that he’s inspired by the Adventures of Tintin by Hergé and Louis Riel by Chester Brown, his own style cites simple three-panel strips, which easily draws his readers into his fleeting storyline: Geddy and Gould are trying to find out who killed Chep Whittaker? But first of all, who the hell is Chep Whittaker? And where did he get such a cool name? The duo doesn’t know, but they’re getting there. Other than meeting a peppy RCMP officer who they do not trust (who also looks like a news broadcaster), keen observations pepper these pages, like when Geddy points to a loner in a bar and calls him: “an emotional cripple who craves community but is unable to connect, so instead of drinking by himself at home he comes here where he can be alone in the company of others.” (Nadja Sayej)