poetry zine, $5/ Tim Lids ter, 84 Ewen Rd., Hamilton, ON, L8S 3C5
Tim’s been busy. Sent us a package with no fewer than 4 distinct zine publications. My favourite was Coded Life, a colour photocopy job in which blurry pics of a naked guy (Tim himself?) are thrown on top of a book about the Fall of Nero. The opposing pages have captions for all this activity, like: “The ass end of reality.” Stupid yet entertaining and possessing a depth that defies logic (whatever logic is) this zine worked for me. For the record, the other pubs are: This Is America ($2), an antiestablishment cut and paste jobbie that was so-so; Minor Movements of the Whole ($3), an unedited journal like thing that came out of Tim’s trip to Naropa University’s poetry workshops. Some good stuff in there, particularly “Entering the Poem Contest” – “Remember. Half this poem exists off this page and must also be considered.” I suspect the same is true for all of Lidster’s work. (Hal Niedzviecki)