Zine, C. N. Hubbarde & A. R. Arvelo McQuaig, 2012 Anthology issues 36-41, DeepMadder.com, $5
Approaching this zine, I had one of those don’t-judge-a-book-by-its-cover moments. Deep Madder’s small text and densely populated pages make the zine look altogether unapproachable and daunting, but once I started reading I found its charm and humour contradicted all of my pre-judgments. This zine is one of the most approachable texts I have ever read. This annual anthology begins with issue 36, a helpful, funny, and self- deprecating guide to appreciating, contributing to, and murdering Deep Madder Monthly. The following issues examine the social implications of the ways we communicate. The entire anthology is riddled with themes of power, alienation and the complexities of our most basic social interactions. This is achieved through deeply personal stories and excerpts from diaries and personal emails. Relatable, yet, intellectual writing makes for an enjoyably thoughtful set of essays to make you think about your own relationship to the world and your social interactions. When I think back to my initial reaction to this anthology’s cover I wonder, “What was I thinking!” (Anna Wellman)