Haymarket continues the spirit of the Haymarket martyrs, the Chicago anarchists framed for a bombing that occurred at a Chicago rally in the late 1880s. From event listings to in-depth analysis of the corporate involvement in education, this is a very straightforward, optimistically radical zine coming from a group of activists in Ottawa connected to the wider anti-globalization struggle. This publication has been running a debate on violence vs non-violence, a really important issue in light of the tactics being used in resisting globalization. There was coverage of the Homes Not Bombs trial, which I found interesting (oddly enough that judge recognized me as an expert witness on housing, a different role than my usual one as defendant). Those who still believe electoral politics can make a significant difference will find that “Elections 2000 Boring,” a short series of voting myth-busting pieces, might change their opinion. (Brian Burch)
zine, # 3, 43 pages, ?$, c/o OPIRG Carlton, 320 Unicentre, Carlton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6 [email protected]