Tapil can’t sleep. Really. So he spends his nights wandering the streets of San Francisco writing down everything he observes. This sounds like a great premise, but Tapil’s insomnia makes him miserable, which makes his story a cynical and depressing read. This is a thick zine and it’s hard to sift through all the sickness and rage to find any hope (if he has any) of getting through the night and getting some good sleep. I can’t say it’s not honest, because it is, but for this to be successful, it must be countered with at least a glimmer of getting past this state of being neither awake nor asleep. Here’s to hoping for a nice day when Tapil will wake up, finally, from a well deserved sleep. (Kevin Jagernauth)
perzine, #2, 48 pgs, $2, Tapil, 492 Grove St., Apt. #20, San Francisco, CA, 94102, USA, [email protected]