This is a nice way to while away a few minutes in an otherwise drab day. Ponder the events that led to Saint Anthony of Padua’s encounter with a hyena, or let your mind dwell on the possibility of ten thousand virgins gathered for a memorable feast. The zine is worth checking out not only for its amusing tales, but for its pleasing construction: a clever use of cheap paper, a dash of bold colour-this small book stands out! While “Lives of Saints” is pure fabrication, flipping the book around will bring you “World Records,” astonishing tidbits collected by the authority in this department: the legendary Guinness Book. How long to eat a bicycle? How much time spent sitting in a tree? In the end it is difficult to tell, of “Lives of Saints” or “World Records,” what is fact and what is fiction. Cute. (Andree Lachapelle)
DDP, Amy, Paul, and Kerry, zine, [email protected],