With an array of contributors reviewing shows, in both “shot-gun” and lengthier formats, bets (and hopes) are placed on this publication sticking around for a long time. There are some encouraging submissions in this issue, by notable artists like Andy Fabo and Doug Mitchell, and up and coming curators/administrators like Jessica Wyman and Jenifer Papararo, to name but a few, with writing that is refreshingly emblematic of the largely untapped Greater Toronto visual arts scene. For example, Papararo’s “In studio: Bud Fujikawa”, is an interesting look at bubbling work by the featured artist, feels like a rare jewel, and is largely representative of the magazine’s “community-based”, smart-ass, astute, appeal. A who’s who resource for anyone interested in the plumbing of Toronto’s art-world. A little of that good-old empathy for the world beyond also creeps in, this issue of Lola covers shows as far as Houston (Joseph Cornell/Marcel Duchamp … in resonance). But it also focuses on the local (i.e. Performing Generations). Lots of neat images, excellent layout and editing, even the ads are interesting and informative. And they encourage submissions! (PVP)