
Ohhh yes… We’ve all seen the reprints of all those 1950’s women in fashion catalogues models. I didn’t have high hopes on that first page. How ironic can that stuff still be? Thankfully those women were relegated to just the first 2 pages. The best by far was the short diary with cool cartoon drawings depicting Matilda’s first attempts at learning to skateboard. It was honest and fun. I felt anxious with Matilda as she described falling. And I, too, felt proud when she bore her battle scars. I wanted more of that. The zine gets into some politics/feminism type diatribes, but I got the feeling all that was said in those articles were perfectly displayed in the diary. (ME)

zine, 22 pgs, Matilda, 299 Somerset St. West, #306, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K2P 2L3.

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