It is not often that you find something so full of elements that are both hilarious and heart wrenching, deceptive and delicious. Mohawk Pussy may not be the prettiest zine, but I think that’s the point. None of us are the prettiest anything, so we should do what Mohawk Pussy does and embrace our forms and glorify them. A very personal zine, MP is charming with its little drawings and quick emotional comments throughout. But it is also dramatic and shocking: I have not read something as terrifying, disgusting and astonishing as the phone sex details in “Stories from callers.” But then, you can shake yourself out of your fear of humanity on other pages with helpful hints for home-made foot lotions, recipes and wonderfully sleazy pinups. Queer, strong, and confident. (JP)
perzine, #8, Jessika, $2, 30 Speers Road-1907, Oakville ON, L6K 2E4