If you’re like me, you’ve done a lot of growing up since you picked up your first Broken Pencil. Times, they bring changes, and well, when I first started reading BP, I certainly didn’t have either of my two kids. But, I like zines and I stay with BP and the plethora of good underground words out there. Nonetheless, it is nice to come across a little publication that does speak to me as a parent, and a queer parent at that. I may not be the Mommy of my family, but as a queer parent, I can certainly relate to much of what Mommy Queerest has to offer: a compelling blend of articles, erotica, kid’s stuff and of course, parenting as a queer. This issue features much content on ableism, and I particularly enjoyed the pieces on access in Toronto’s gay village, as well as TJ Tenacious Bryan’s account of her own ableism. And it just rocks that each issue includes much trans content. Mommy Queerest has lofty goals, with a new print edition due out in time for Pride this year, I have no doubt this publication will exceed expectations. This is a much needed read for queer parents. (JP)