zine, Gary Flanagan, #10, 23 pgs, free, 23 Fourth St, Rothesay, NB, E2G 1W7, [email protected] This zine comes out of the small but growing subculture of makers and lovers of electronic music in New Brunswick. Focused on Electrobash, a live music celebration that Flanagan, the creator, helped conceive and organize, there’s tons of information in here which might help others who are interested in organizing similar events. It details the problems, strokes of luck and final outcome of the team’s labour. As enthusiasm is contagious, it’s elating to read about the realization of a vision and, although only about 20 people attended Electrobash, it seems they were 20 very lucky people indeed. The only problem I had was Flanagan’s opinion piece, in which he objects to the 80s as being labeled a decade of crap music, yet does not go on to give examples to the contrary and then proceeds to pigeonhole other decades in a way which he is supposed to be against. Other than that, there are lengthy interviews with performers, equipment write-ups, and zine and album reviews, all of which are geared towards those who love the beats. (Heather Ball)