Perfect Waste Of Time
Hailing from Montreal, PWOT is part journalistic effort, part creative outlet and part silly fun. Two-thirds of it work. Firstly, there are two well researched essays: one on post-feminism and Nike marketing; and the other on the works of Kathy Acker, William Burroughs, Henry Miller, Jean Genet and Jack Kerouac. Both are well written, intelligent and even annotated with footnotes. There is a mediocre interview with experimental musician Kathleen Yearwood (perhaps some background and more questions about her music would have helped) and a nice informative piece on the New York City community space, ABC No Rio. The creative outlet comes in the form of poetry, a newly added feature to PWOT. However, what detracts from an otherwise good zine, is a silly “Ask Ross” (Rebegliati) column stuck on the back cover. Making fun of him is easy and useless – the back cover would have been better left blank. Stick to the academics and creative content and you have a winner. (KJ)
journal, vol. 2, no. 1, $2, Vince & Victoria, P.O. Box 42020, Montreal, PQ, H2W 2T3,