I think the best thing about this heavy, book-like mag is the Devil’s Avocado, an anonymous back-page column that intimately criticizes the rest of the zine. Tee hee! QECE contained fun articles about crazy anti-abortionist antics; a defense of flag-burning by a patriot who thinks America stands for liberalism and that the conservatives should be burning flags, not lefties; a dopey apology for mistakenly key-scratching a handicapped person’s car; the history of May Day; a story about “conflict diamonds” (those which are sold to finance wars) and what consumers should do to boycott them; and much much more. Pretty dense reading from the no-word-limit-just-keep-writing-til-you-feel-you’re-done school of zines. If half their energy had been devoted to graphics instead, and they followed the Avocado’s advice to cut stuff shorter, this zine would be heaven. (Flick Harrison)
zine, #13, 67 pgs, Larry Nocella, 406 Main St #3C, Collegeville, PA 19426, [email protected]