This is the kind of zine that you never want to end. It’s like those TV shows or movies or books you really get into, and when they’re over, you somehow wish you could live inside that world or maybe have the characters inhabit yours. Querencia #1: Time Age Death and Amusement accounts the real life of a typical guy just out of university and still looking for answers. He’s dealing with inner demons, and he gets unabashedly real, writing about the kind of things people will only think about, and never say out loud. In Querencia #2, Rock and Roll, JB dishes the dirt on how he came to find Ian McKaye and Mike Watt. Don’t forget Jello Biafra! We take a tour through JB’s life set to music. It’s like Cameron Crowe’s Almost Famous, but for punks. An expressive and explosive read that even includes a discography of songs you can dig out and bop to while you read. (Michelle Emmanuel)
mini zine, #1 and #2, $2, 56 pages, 114 Canter BLVD., Nepean, ON., K2G-2M7