Sex Shoppe Tales
Ever wonder what it must be like to actually work in a sex shop?? Being able to catch a glimpse of the lives of the people who buy various items from your store? The regulars and the newbies, the straight-laced and the weirdos? Well, wonder no more, because Renatta has it all here for you. This zine is a compilation of true life stories from when she worked in a sex shop. She lets us in on the tactics she used to survive working in there, and even offers us tips on how to act appropriately should we feel the need to don leather gear. There’s even a glossary of terms! The perks page might even get ya thinking of applying at one of these jobs… (ME)
zine, #1, 20 pgs, $2, Renatta, 160 Market St., Apt 1905, Hamilton, ON, L8R 3J6.