newsletter, vol. 6, no. 5, winter 2001, 16 pgs, $15, 3404 Parslow Rd., R.R. # 2, Lyn, ON, KOE 1M0, ¡[email protected], www.theblueplanet. ca
This is a newsletter produced by individual activists who share a commitment to a better world. It has a small town/rural feel to it and takes seriously the exhortation to “Think Globally. Act Locally.” Issues as diverse as fair trade coffee and the environmental impact of diapers are examined. I particularly liked Marianne Samann-Wyss’ piece, “How Far Away is Afghanistan?” Judith Cleland’s untitled poem, dealing with lists, was also quite funny. All the pieces here come out of a sense of hope, not anger. It is an encouraging effort. (Brian Burch) Sexy Wifebeaters, joys of travel. A good photo montage contrasting “Bullit” with car accident documents. Hmmm…. A letter from Timothy McVeigh was interesting but simply lifted from Harper’s. Oh well. (Flick Harrison)