This is a bit of a stretch as an e-zine, since its probably a completed piece that will never again be updated, but I have to include it here out of loyalty to my old stomping grounds. I too knew the sweet joys of Barrie, Ontario in the 80’s. Cruising the malls, cruising the Roxy, cruising the beach, cruising the Barrie Fair. Oh, that I shall never see such times again, when the biggest problems in life were deciding whether to go preppie, stay a metalhead or finish your independent study on Fifth Business. My mom still has the diploma…Innisdale Secondary School, class of ’89. And yes, I was madly in love with an 80’s Barrie queen. This site may appeal only to a very select group of lucky people who shared the unique gestalt of that magical time and place, but to those people I can recommend it highly.