
Tonk is a small zine, bigger than your thumb but smaller than your head. It’s also much funnier than your head and your thumb, even when you stick your thumb into one of the many possible outlets in which your thumb might go. What’s going on here? What’s going on here is that each Tonk is devoted to modern consumption. Number five explores the myth of the Original Fryryte, the deep fryer we love to love. “Eat More White Nothingness!” The hilarity of this mini send-up is nothing when compared to issue number 6 called Total Hip Replacement for Young Canada. Here James turns his sharp teeny wit on every mother’s favourite surgery, the hip replacement. “Mother’s Surprise, enter to win, FREE treat her to partially detached joint replacement surgery!” These little zines are great, send James a small amount of money, and you will get large amounts of sarcasm bursting out of your head so that you will have to stick your thumbs in only to discover you do not have enough thumbs.

zine / #5-6 / main creator: James / #1-7 for $1.50 plus two stamps, or 30 cents for 1 plus a stamp / 465 Craig St., Parksville, BC, V9P 1L2


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