Next time you see the editor of this magazine at a fetish night or swingers party, could you ask her if Touch is short for Touch Yourself? Although I’d believe that plenty of folks hook up with the scene they’ve been looking for via the personals and fetish ads here, I think this mag is just as much for the stay-at-home types as the bold adventurers, given the way Forum-type stories seem to predominate. Just don’t hope for too much by way of visual stimulus, because Playboy this ain’t. But I think my favourite things in the mag were the porn movie reviews: think about it, what if there came to be actual critical discourse about adult movies, what if directors actually read reviews and thought ‘gee, a script might help’, maybe one day you could actually go rent a porno that wouldn’t make you want to barf within six seconds. Just one of the things to think about while flipping through Touch yourself. (HC)
magazine, vol 2, #9, $10, 2377 Eglinton Ave E, Suite 45, Toronto, ON, M1K 2M5