Urban Graffiti
At last. Another issue of UG. Where ya been all my life? The antidote to all the precious, crapola lit mags out there, UG is home to the ugly, the depressing, the sexy, the funny and the fucked up. I mean where else, where else, do you get up and coming talents like Michael Bryson, Matthew Firth, David Pahn and Sonia Saikaley. And this isn’t just throw-away material. This is great stuff. Plus the book’s got this cool fold-out thing happening. I’m glad it’s back, but I’m pissed it took so long. Mark, quit reading this review and get back to work. UG rules! (HN)
litzine, #7, 24 pgs, Mark McCawley, $3, PO Box 41164, Edmonton, AB, T6J 6M7