Yes, you do want some. You want some of this. How much? Oh, just one will do. What’s in it? Dr. Nadia Moss’s Activity Page, fortified with over eight trillion vitamins and minerals (yes, trillion). Also, a thoughtful and well-composed review section featuring reviews of “The delivery guy for this dep I know,” “Girls with dogs,” and “People going to the gym.” Stuck for the right things to say in ’99? Know, then, that “No shit sherlock” is a “Not’Un” while “Bien Sur Gordy le talking-pig” is a “Hot’Un.” Great bathroom reading, pretty well laid-out and full of little bits and morsels of reading, none of it very serious. My only problem – and it’s a pretty slight one – is that there’s nothing here besides the address that indicates that this zine is produced about two blocks from me. It’d be fun to have the many keen senses of humor at work in this zine applied more to the stuff around here, the bars, the parties, the bands, etc. and a little less to TV shows, movie stars and stuff like that which you could read in zines from anywhere. (LR)