Lots of info, none of it particularly exclusive or world-shattering, but still good fun. Some good writing (but bad typing) about a meeting with Geddy Lee and another with Red Green. Reviews/background of the entire Friday 13th series made me feel uber-informed, as did the Poseidon Adventure II review. Zine review section included a chiding of Broken Pencil for not reviewing XYZed earlier – all right already! X-tremely cheap visuals didn’t bowl me over, but on reflection perfectly illustrated the info (eg shitty photocopies of Geddy Lee photos illustrate a fleeting meeting after 2-hr lineup). Oh yeah – one writer mentions that her niece drew a picture of her throwing bones at the rude KFC delivery guy. Let’s see it, buddy! (Flick Harrison)

zine, #13, 24 pgs, $2, J. Anxiety-Stewart, 6 Haig St, St Catherines, ON, L2R 6K5

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