issue 96

Review: Out from the Void #4

Brenton Gicker is a registered nurse, a journalist, an EMT and a crisis worker — roles that, taken together, make him a witness to and testifier of struggle, injustice, disappearances and abuses of power among police.

Review: Your Very Own

Through erasure, removal and additions, John Nyman create their own rendition of a 1985 choose your own adventure novel. The narratives found through their erasure is one that supplants the somewhat stereotypical and white patriarchal norms that hang over many 80s Americana quests.

How to Turn Your Zine Into a Video Game

Zinester and programmer v buckenham discusses Downpour, their latest creation, as well as flatgames, toolmaking and where indie games overlap with the zine scene.

One Last Trip Down Taddle Creek

Founded by Conan Tobias in 1997, Taddle Creek has flooded Canadians with fiction, features, comics and poetry. After 25 years the magazine is hanging up its beret.

Introducing Our Summer Issue (And New Look): World Gone Sick

Grant Ionatán (aka HTML Flowers) believed a lifelong struggle with illness and isolation would have prepared them. The artist’s confrontation with a world gone sick proved differently. Our Summer Issue explores the ways artists, zines and scenes evolved in a planet compromised by pandemic.