issue 99

Review: On Writing and Failure

Orwell, Joyce and Austin could barely get jobs, never mind publishing deals. Stephen Marche asks: “Why would it be any different for you?”

Review: Literal Bimbos

With its glut of glittery, girly stickers, fire photography, takedowns of Pretty Women and useful relationship advice, Literal Bimbos, a litzine created by sex workers, is a work of art.

Walking Tall: Boots Riley on the Utility of Absurd Art

“What I want to do is use this exaggeration to point out contradictions and to point out ironies and skip over large swaths of theory and just smack it in your face. That’s the usefulness to me.” The activist, musician and director tells us how to speak to a world that’s gotten strange.

Review: like every pillow flung off the bed

Reading these poems feels like running laps in the author’s head. The external world has fallen away and we’re along for a destructive ride through the stages of breakup.

Toronto Zine Library Reopens

“To me the space is important as an example of creativity, community and solidarity coming together without commercial expectations.”

Introducing Our Spring Issue: America the Absurd

Boots Riley tells us about the absurd and how it functions as a satirical language that can speak far more eloquently when the world is on fire. All that and more in our latest issue!