Review: Bones

Comic, Stephanie Kenzie, 8 pgs,, Free

Bones is a joyful, seafoam coloured zine covered in skulls, 70s orange flowers, beautiful brown vines, and white specks of dust.

Immediately I meet a witchy-like, maternal woman in her forest home with her three blob-like pets. All of which have adorable hairstyles of either mushrooms, flowers or messy fur. The 70s living room colour palette is consistent throughout the comic panels as the unexpected hap-pens (which tickled me by surprise). Our witchy-woo-woman and her blob pets (of which more have appeared and I now am assuming are blob-like angels) are not surprised by a pile of bones left on their front porch. They recognize the dismembered visitor and together they channel magic from the moon, clean up the skeleton and boom: a body is formed again.

I loved the idea that our bones can be recognized and that a talented witch could put me back together, regrow my flesh and allow me to continue to live my life out in the woods once more. What I loved even more was the sweet, older woman with her blob companions waiting in the woods for whatever might need her assistance.


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