Help us solve our newest Zine Mystery (Summer 2018)

Previously on The Great Zine Mystery: The creator of our previous mystery came forward and asked to remain anonymous. So onwards and upwards!

Our new mystery, The Morning Post: Number 3, was submitted by Canzine Vancouver volunteer extraordinaire Stephanie Duke.

“I picked it up in the hallway of Scratch Records in Vancouver in the summer of 2001,” Stephanie wrote over email. “It’s written in a diary style, about his life and a girl he likes, Angela, who gives him a stack of Billy Bragg records. At the end they break up.”

“I want to know what he’s up to these days… Could you imagine if someone actually knew who’s this was?”

So, let’s all help Stephanie solve this Great Zine Mystery! Please share and ask around. If you’re the first to correctly identify the zine, or give us the tip that leads us to the answer, you’ll earn yourself a brand-spanking new Broken Pencil subscription!

Have you ever fallen in love with a zine, but had no idea who made it?

Contact the Great Zine Mystery!

  1. Email a zine mystery , or any clues about a current mystery zine, to [email protected]
  2. Ask your zinester friends to help identify our zines and solve the mystery.
  3. Use the hashtag #ZineMystery to share clues