Issue #62

Zine Review: Réchneek

Réchneek: A Dialectical Dictionary of Aegean Macedonian Specific to Pátele, Greece Zine, Depka Bursey with Tara Bursey, Depka Bursey, […]

Zine Review: Damascene Road Passaggio

damascene road passaggio, selections Chapbook, Wanda O’Connor, above/ground press,, $4 Not many chapbooks require an explanatory essay (“subtext/pretext,” the […]

Zine Review: All That’s Left

All That’s Left: Zero Packet. Queer and Sci-fi Zine, Maggie Eighteen, Issue 1,, $4.00 When my roommate recommended I […]

Zine Review: Yo Miss

Comic, Lisa Wilde, no. 1, Microcosm Publishing,, $3 (US) Issue one of Yo Miss is the first of five zines […]

Chapbook Review: Labradoodle

Labradoodle: An Essay on David McGimpsey, Chapbook, Marcus McCann, above/ground press,, $4 Labradoodle’s subtitle, An Essay on David McGimpsey, may be accurate […]

Book Review: This is How You Die

This is How You Die: Stories of the Inscrutable, Infallible, Inescapable Machine of Death, Ryan North, Matthew Bennardo and David […]

Book Review: Kuessipan

Kuessipan, Naomi Fontaine, 99 pgs, Arsenal Pulp Press,, $14.95 The title of Naomi Fontaine’s debut novel is a word […]

Book Review: PostApoc

PostApoc, Liz Worth, 184 pgs, Now or Never Publishing,, $19.95 Liz Worth has created a funny sort of End […]